Creating Customer Service Excellence
Creating a Branded Customer Experience

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Customer Loyalty


Building and sustaining customer loyalty is no longer a matter of products and pricing. Shaping your customer' entire experience---every interaction, every touch---to provide an experience that stands out from the competition, is the most reliable source of lasting customer loyalty.

Forum's research indicates that just 15% of today's companies currently provide a truly differentiated customer experience. When we looked at the link between customers' buying behavior and customer satisfaction, three distinct stages of customer experience emerged.

Customer Experience Stages

Random: Companies at this stage of developing their customer's experience offer customer service that can be excellent in some cases, abysmal in others. The customer's experience is overly-dependent on variables that can include the location visited, the time of day, or the service rep involved in the customer interaction.

Forum helps clients at this stage focus on building service skills that will create a predictable and consistent customer experience.

Predictable: The customer experience is predictably positive, and customers view the company as delivering on what is promised. Customers tend to be moderately satisfied, but their loyalty is fragile. They can easily be lured away with a better offer or price.

Differentiated: Companies at this stage offer a customer experience that is not only predictably positive, but distinctively valuable as well. Here the challenge and focus is to sustain a competitive advantage and build lasting loyalty by continuously improving the customer experience. Those who don't, risk quickly losing their differentiation as competitors begin to copy their successes.

Forum's customer service training solutions help clients create predictably positive customer experiences from random experiences. Helping our clients move from predictably positive to differentiated experiences is the work of Forum's Branded Customer Experience practice.

Creating Customer Service Excellence
Creating a Branded Customer Experience

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